Transparent Fees

Sample Fee Schedule*


Category Qualification Hourly Rate 
Senior Counsel more than 20 years since call to the bar   $350
Senior Counsel 12-20 years since call to the bar  $325
Counsel 11-12 years since call to the bar  $315
Counsel 10-11 years since call to the bar  $300
Counsel 9-10 years since call to the bar  $285
Counsel 8-9 years since call to the bar  $270
Counsel 7-8 years since call to the bar  $255
Counsel 6-7 years since call to the bar  $240
Counsel 5-6 years since call to the bar  $225
Counsel 4-5 years since call to the bar  $215
Counsel 3-4 years since call to the bar  $205
Counsel 2-3 years since call to the bar  $195
Counsel 1-2 years since call to the bar  $180
Counsel less than 1 year since call to the bar  $165
 Law Clerks/Students   $90

*Sample fees are within a range of $25-$50 difference per category, and may be negotiated as lower or higher within that category and within that range. Fees may also be adjusted based upon flat rates per project, arrangements based on days per week or month, or project based arrangements. Fees listed herein are current as of January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and are applicable to legal services provided only in Canada.

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