
An exceptionally qualified team delivering fast and efficient legal services without the usual headaches of deciphering the law. Targeted professionals for each task based on skill-sets got us lawyers of the highest calibre, the best in class, and we’ve used lots of law firms. In the end, we paid much less and got a better result. Overall, a far more positive experience. We had a complex file that had been going on for years, and you resolved it quickly and efficiently.

eLawX is currently available in Canada. Please feel free to contact us no matter where in the world you are. The good news is that we are expanding, so please get in touch using our eLaw Connect us page or via email at

We are establishing business arrangements and alignments on a global basis. If you are interested in seeing how you might be part of our network of legal professionals reforming the practise of law and providing legal services consistent with our passion for justice and equity, then please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

eLawX Remote & Hybrid Law Delivery Models

Made to suit our clients and customers by providing law and legal services only when you need it with maximum efficiency and lower fees
We are actively looking for clients and customers and for new legal professionals, volunteers, and tech to move ahead in this joint quest to reform our legal system and make it more equitable, just, diverse, and fulfill its promise of access to justice!

If you are interested in supporting our projects, then please consider hiring us or advancing our cause by providing expertise or volunteering.


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